All Posts

  1. Automatically Changing Theme in the Terminal

  2. A New Post Layout

  3. RSS

  4. How to Highlight Code Syntax in Google Slides

  5. CSS Spring 2024

  6. Styling Firefox UI With CSS (part 2)

  7. A Dark Mode Toggle Without JavaScript

  8. Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew

  9. Astro

  10. Why Do We Use Email

  11. My Neovim Plugins (April 2023)

  12. A Road to the Maintainable CV

  13. A Minimal Cognitive Overhead

  14. A New Beginning

  15. Minimal package.json for SASS

  16. Becoming grep Power User

  17. ncdu

  18. Steam Discovery Queue

  19. The Missing Piping Puzzle: vipe

  20. Styling Firefox UI With CSS (part 1)

  21. Hugo Timezone Shenanigans

  22. My Blog, My Rules

  23. Ori and the Blind Forest

  24. Hosting with Netlify