A New Beginning

It has been almost a year and a half since I have written my first blog post, and over half a year since I have written my previous post. My blog at that time was built with Hugo and used Netlify for hosting and automated deployment. Since that first post a lot of water has flown…

It Worked Until It Didn’t

The main thing that sparked the blog rework was Hugo failing to build the blog site. Of what use to a blogger is their blog if the blogger cannot even add a post to said blog?! Naturally, I have added a task to fix the blog to my TODO list, and left it at that.

Time went by, and I couldn’t be bothered to pick the task up… and the more I looked at this task, the more I questioned if fixing Hugo is what I want. Why not have Hugo replaced instead?

After all, I have learned a great deal of CSS and semantic HTML thanks to Jen Kramer. Namely, Jen’s courses on Frontend Masters1 and #30DaysOfHTML initiative on Substack2 and Twitter. I really wanted to put these skills to use, and hand-crafting my CV3 only reinforced that urge. HTML and CSS seem like such an obvious choice too! After all, every other tool ends up creating both of these.

Back to… Where I Started

This is where the original draft of this post that I have written back in May ends… I did implement a decent share of the blog in plain HTML and CSS. However, after that, I have decided to abandon that idea and go back to Hugo. Why did I decide to go back? Well, there are certain features that Hugo handles effortlessly. For example tags, templates, and partials. Making these work with HTML and CSS would either require a tremendous effort or introducing a tool to handle them, so I ended up going back to Hugo.

That’s the end of it right? Wrong! I still had to resolve the issues that I had with Hugo.

A New Beginning

Instead of simply trying to fix the problem with Hugo, I decided to use this opportunity to create my own site with Hugo from scratch. I did want to write some HTML and CSS after all! 😁

During implementation the idea to abstract HTML into a theme came along. This way semantic HTML is what the theme gives, but other than that it looks… awful! That’s how byocss: bring your own CSS name came to be - byocss gives you a HTML baseline, but you are supposed to bring in the styling.

Overall, the process took a lot of time. I am, however, really satisfied with these changes! I created something of my own and I have brought my blog back to the living! Additionally, I switched to tymek.dev domain that I had parked for a while now.

It is good to be back on track! 🚀


  1. At the time of writing this post I have completed Getting Started with CSS and flexbox part of CSS Grid & Flexbox for Responsive Layouts, v2. I plan to complete entire CSS Learning Path in the coming months. 💪 ↩︎

  2. I have found Substack quite tedious to navigate. I used the archive view to track down posts manually. ↩︎

  3. Earlier this year I have migrated my CV from LaTeX to HTML and CSS. Thanks to @media print I still get to have a decent looking PDF! I wrote a blog post about it. ↩︎